Tips For Staying Safe While Studying Abroad

Tips For Staying Safe While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad may be educational and fun but it may also be dangerous if you are not careful.
Learn everything you can about your host country. Be knowledgeable about the place where youll be staying and going to college. When in doubt, do not hesitate to consult other students, campus safety, or your program director for local safety tips.

Ascertain which areas are safe and unsafe at daytime and at nighttime. This is vital for your security and protection. Once you know your way around, stay away from dangerous places and those understood for greater cases of crime. Avoid shortcuts, narrow alleys, or poorly lighted areas.

Do not travel alone at night and attempt to wear more locally accepted apparel. Keep a low profile by simply dressing down or adhering to the neighborhood dress habit.
As is common of many countries, crowded areas like markets, subways, and tourist websites are home to burglars and other con artists. Be wary of individuals who approach you with bargains or people who want to be your guide. Never speak to strangers or talk about travel plans with people that you do not know.

Keep your money in a secure place. Pickpockets usually have a spouse who accidentally bumps you or asks for directions or the time. By deflecting you, their partner can eliminate your money or other valuables.

Never accept unexpected packages and stay away from unattended luggage or parcels in airports, train stations, and other public areas. These tips will make your study overseas a pleasant experience.


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