Studying Abroad Tips for Foreign College and University Students

Studying Abroad Tips for Foreign College and University Students

Whether just for a few weeks, for a semester or for a few years, studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that can broaden students' horizons just like few other adventures can. Most pupils, accordingly, anticipate going abroad with good anticipation, zealously counting the days until the date of their death; most, nevertheless, also look ahead to this exceptional opportunity with good anxiety, in particular in respect to the language obstacles that they know they're very likely to experience. What can you, as a foreign student, do to ensure a successful stay abroad?

Educate Yourself

American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart was once quoted as stating that prep is "two-thirds of almost any venture". This will without a doubt also are applicable to your stay abroad. After you have created the fundamental decisions of your stay - including your choice of instructional program, institution and lodging - a superb starting point on your preparatory procedure is to get the website of the international students office of your chosen academic institution. Here, you should find a wealth of information on programs, admissions and student life. Perhaps, the site provides a virtual tour of the campus or a FAQ section that you could benefit from. And what about the knowledge of the nation, itself, its own language(s), social norms, culture and etiquette? Just take the time to talk about them and prepare yourself emotionally for this exciting and new venture.

Brush Up on Your Language Skills In Advance

There are lots of ways which you can improve your language skills prior to your departure. Have a program, preferably in person; but, as soon as an in-class course is, for whatever reason, not a possibility for you, sign up to an on-line course geared towards your needs. Ask different students, friends, teachers or professors to advocate good learning stuff that you could also work with independently. You will find books that deal specifically with language for academic purposes. Check the web for a list of them since they might truly be of significance, especially for writing academic papers afterwards. View TV programs and films into your target language. Make use of free resources on the world wide web, in particular newspapers, magazines and blogs. These provide a way to boost your language abilities without costing you even a cent.

Create a Support Network for Yourself

Upon your arrival, make one of your first stops a visit to your university's international students office. Most offer a variety of services - everything from counselling on topics such as visas, work permits and cultural alteration to language and conversation classes. Be certain to take part in the latter even though your language skills are complex. In language courses, you'll have the chance to meet with other foreign students that are in the same situation as you and, perhaps, the teacher will be someone to whom it is possible to go for guidance or for proofreading if you require help with your academic and academic function. In a nutshell, the staff and services of your international students office will allow you to form a valuable support network for yourself.

Develop Exam Strategies

Oral or written, exams present a 'double obstacle' for non-native speakers. Not only do you need to know the substance being analyzed but you also require the language abilities to correctly express this knowledge. Produce a strategy that will assist you cope with this double burden. Make sure to identify crucial examination questions and prepare (or perhaps memorize) your 'grammatically correct' answers in advance. We all know that, while correct content is overriding, correct presentation of your knowledge is also of great advantage.

Embrace Your Own New World - with Confidence!

Most speakers of foreign languages have a tendency to think that their language skills aren't good enough and some, sadly, remain away from 'potentially embarrassing' situations in which they believe that they could embarrass themselves. But to truly profit from your experience abroad, you need to overcome your shyness and venture out into your new universe. Participate in social events, participate in learning groups and don't be afraid to contribute in lectures and tutorials. You will be surprised by what you can do if you just have the courage to try!


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